Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Origami purse

When my friend and I went on the Quilt Run a while bag, we were given a pattern for an Origami purse. It is made from two squares (mine were 22") sewn face to face and turn right side out. Folded in thirds (point on point) and a few seams. It was a snap to make and really turned out cute.

If anyone is interested in the pattern I can scan it and post it here.

Friday, August 15, 2008

googly eyed Halloween ghost

Everything I do that should be in a straight row inevitably ends up going down hill. Needless to say, I won't be asked to put googly eyes on the other ghosts that we made.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Craft Club making Halloween Ghosts

Here are some of our Craft Club members working in my dining room - we soaked cheese cloth in liquid starch, stretched over a balloon sitting in a glass - Looks as though I won't be eating in the dining room for a few days.