Thursday, June 18, 2009

pattern from the Internet

Bett, one of my favorite gals from the Weight Watcher board led me to this site, where there are patterns that are free to download. (If I could remember the name of the site, I would post it) I always have difficulty following patterns - what helped me about this one, was that there is a goodo picture of the finished purse on the first page - that always helps. It is difficult to see in the picture, but I used five different fabrics for the body of the purse, it is completely lined and the braided straps were fun to make - the pattern suggested putting a large safety pin at the top of six 2" X 36" strips, pin the safety pin to your mattress and then braiding the strips - fun!

Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm getting braver all the time

This latest lap quilt features different size blocks and some appliques. Far from perfect, it was still a lot of fun. I have some ideas on how to mask my mistakes - but will let it 'sit' for a while just the way it is. The hearts are copied from a Fons & Porter magazine and I love the elongated look of them. I definitely plan on using them on future quilts.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

sew and flip

This small purse (10" X 12") is made by sewing directly on the batting - there are no selvages left when you finish it - I used webbing as the handles. It is lined and has a velcro closure with square buttons sewn on top to hide the stitching for the velcro.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Window Valances

I just couldn't bring myself to purchase window valances when I know I could sew them myself - I dreaded the job as my windows (one in dining room and two in living room) are quite large.

Found some great fabric for $1.50/yard - it was 54" wide and I needed six yards. I can't believe I got all the windows done for $9.00!!