Friday, December 19, 2008

Instructions for Super Easy Pillowcase!

Main piece 27" X 41" (3/4 yard)

Border piece 11" X 41" (1/3 yard)

Accent Strip 3 X 41" (1/8 yard)

Lay 11" border piece face up on table

Lay main piece of pillowcase face up - lined up with border

Press the 3" accent piece in half the long way and lay face up on top of the main piece (temporarily pin together at top)

Roll the main piece of fabric from the bottom up staying below the accent piece - then fold up the border piece to the top and re-pin all the raw edges together. Stitch along the edge then reach inside and start pulling the fabric out. You will have a finished edge with all the stitching on the inside.

Putting right sides together, stitch a French seam or surge edges together.

Yippee! You have a beutifully finished pillow case!

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

Dee said...

Well, I don't sew that well, however I do love your pillowcases. Say hi to Tara.