Thursday, March 26, 2009

My first attempt at a quilt

I spent a good deal of today working on a lap quilt made from Fat Quarters that I picked up last July when my friend and i went on a Quilt Run in So. California. I bought a fat quarter at each of the ten quilt shops we visited over a two weekend period - I wanted to have something to remind me of the wonderful time we had.

I'm not certain, but it could possibly be that if you walk in a Quilt shop - you are hooked for life. They don't have material - they have 'fabric' - glorious colors, out of this world designs - what a playground for grown ups.

I cut my quilt blocks in 7" squares. I used a 1/4" seam allowance (well, I tried to - my seams are not the greatest). Did it turn out great? Heck, no! Did I have a wonderful time - you bet!

I still have to insert the batting and the reverse fabric - it will be the same fabric as the border print - We the People....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cup Cakes - the non-edible sort

The aroma you smell is corned beef - I am cooking one for the St. Patrick's Day dinner we are having at the club house this evening. Ms. Tara is in love with the crock pot.

These are the infamous cup cake pin cushions - the smaller was the absolute dickens to make - my fingers just can't handle such small pieces of fabric - therefore, I decided to enlarge the pattern and it was a lot easier to handle

Saturday, March 7, 2009

rag bag

I finished my 'rag bag' this morning and was eager to get it into the wash and the dryer. I was so excited to see how it looked when it got all fuzzy - what fun! It is quite large - you wouldn't use it as a purse, but will be great taking magazines and patterns to Craft Club or where ever..

The pillow case set is one that I used a decorative stitch on my new machine - I am sure having fun....