It's been a while since I have posted here - usually that means I am having trouble getting my pictures uploaded to where I want them - My Pictures - Adobe Pictures is very forceful and keeps taking over -
Spent three hours at my favorite thrift store today - I could walk up and down those aisle forever - I'm a big 'touchy feely' person, and a thrift store is right up my alley. I was looking for wool sweaters - a side project and friend and I are hoping to do entails boiling a 100% wool sweater with detergent and then patting and patting until it 'felts'. When it is dry, we will cut a round opening on top, cut out the sleeves and we should have a 'bag'. I'll let you know how we do - I found a wool sweater that already is on its way to felt (someone washed it in hot water).
This hobo bag has a contrasting fabric as a lining and I made a matching hat - my twin came by yesterday and insisted on taking the whole set with her for a silent auction in Lake Havasu - so I never had time to take a picture of the hat - it came out pretty well. When I finish the hat for the other hobo bag, I will take a picture of them together.