Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fun, Fun, Fun

As usual, I am having a ball with the sewing. My little machine is being pushed to the limit - and sometimes, I must admit, it balks...

I have been using a lot of Debbie Mumm fabrics, which have been reasonable lately - I love her stuff - the big, gathered bags are with her fabric on the outside and a solid contrasting color as a lining. They are made from square pieces with casing all around - two opposing side have thick elastic and the other two opposing sides have heavy ribbon or leather thongs.

The fleece throw is also a Debbie Mumm which I found in the remnant shelf. The purse and matching hat are an experiment - I have no idea what I will be doing with them.

Oh dear, I guess you will have to tilt your head - I forgot to flip the pictures --- blogspot won't let me put the third picture on this post, so I will do another.

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